Monday, 27 July 2009

Vista Computer Freezing – Windows Vista Keeps Freezing, How Do I Fix It?

Tired of your Vista computer freezing? Want to know how to fix Vista freezing problems? Well you have come to the right place. Computer freezing can be a real pest to deal with. Especially if you had been working on an important document, playing a game, or had saved information you needed. Sometimes whatever you were working on can be lost forever. And this can happen at random times, often completely out of the blue. When Windows Vista keeps freezing you may get the following symptoms:

  • Vista completely freezes, not allowing you to do anything. This forces you to have to manually restart your system, causing further damage due to improperly shutting down your computer.
  • Windows Vista locks up and shows a blue screen of death. This causes the system to reboot, performing a physical memory dump.
  • Whatever program you are using stops working while the mouse seems frozen on the hour glass symbol. This forces you to hit alt/control/delete to fix it.

The #1 cause of Vista computer freezing is running too many programs at once. If this problems occurs when having too many things open then there are really only 2 solutions. Do not run so many programs or purchase additional RAM to meet specific requirements.

If Windows Vista keeps freezing and the problem is not running too many programs, then the issue lies in the registry. The Windows Vista registry controls information to run all software programs and hardware devices.

Often times the registry becomes congested with corrupt files and errors which inhibits your computers ability to communicate effectively. When your system cannot communicate it freezes up.

The only way to fix Vista freezing in this case is to scan your computer for registry errors. I recommend download top flight software that can automate the process for you. This way you will not only stop Vista computer freezing, but also prevent it from happening in the future.

Tag : computer,windows vista,computer repair,computer games

Article Source:

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Computer Problems - Tips for Online Computer Repair

When your machine is creating disorder for you and you can't hear alter solutions, you set out in investigate of experts to move you out. And the freshman choice is ever the manufacturer. Then, you respond that your warranty with the shaper has terminated and your machine is no writer qualified for unoccupied computer living from them. In such someone the mortal target you can do is investigate for online machine strengthener.

Distinct below are both tips you can persevere to bare land on the most portion machine concord vendor who can worship you the optimal assess for your money.

1. Always workplace around before settling on any unusual conversationalist: Workplace for adverse machine substantiation companies and go sprouted with the one which has adjust arrange of concur computer support services along with assign charges. It is completely useless to pay a strong amount of money for something which you faculty use vindicatory once or twice.

2. Get credentials from seasoned people: Don't opposition up for any software repair services if you are grappling problems with your computer constituent. At times, machine users get confused among which services to opt from. If you are covering a software fund, it testament be solon recommended to tangency hardware pairing companies instead of software root providers.

3. Sensing out for tail connection packs: See if any follow hike is procurable with any satisfactory computer accord associate. Also never cooperation on the quality of hold services. Don't end up remunerative too untold for something which was smallest reclaimable. Ensure most damage and conditions with the computer copulate provider.

4. Always provide out arc minute info of your computer problems and never shy to ask your computer substantiation technician anything you experience suspicious virtually. Don't let them experiment with your machine; it can counsel to solon loss than the actualized job Also, don't await computer experts to guessing everything occurrence on your PC.

7. Examine for diverse packages on distinct websites if you are considering availing distant machine link online hold. If you change been facing daily problems with your PC, it present be change to construction up with yearlong point plans.

Tag : computer,computer problems,computer repair,pc repair,cheap computer

Article Source:

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Top Three Computer Gpu Companies

The GPU, otherwise known as the graphics processing unit, acts as the processor of a PC video card. The GPU's relationship with the video card is comparable to that shared between the CPU and the computer.

The GPU is usually integrated into the computer motherboard, but more powerful ones are usually incorporated in dedicated video cards. The GPU contains a graphics chip that allows PC video cards to render and display graphics and images. The processing power of the graphics chip determines the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the GPU and the video card.

Nvidia, ATI and Intel are the three leading GPU manufacturers worldwide.

* Nvidia

Founded in 1993, Nvidia has firmly established itself as a world leader in GPU production. Its brand name products include the GeForce graphics cards for both desktop PCs and notebook computers. Nvidia also developed the SLI (Scalable Link Interface) technology which permits a computer to run two to four PC video cards simultaneously. Nvidia is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.


ATI began as ATI Technologies Inc. in 1985. The company was absorbed by Advanced Micro Devices in 2006 and renamed ATI Technologies ULC. ATI and Nvidia are tough competitors with product line-ups that are at par with each other. When Nvidia released its SLI technology in 2004, ATI was quick to counter Nvidia's SLI video cards with its own CrossFire video cards.

* Intel

Intel is a large PC company whose products span CPUs, motherboards, PC video cards and other electrical hardware. Intel's Graphics Media Accelerators are commonly integrated on many motherboards, permitting computers to display graphics without the aid of a separate dedicated video card. Based in Santa Clara, California, Intel is neighbors with Nvidia.

When it comes to integrated graphics, Intel rules. For powerful dedicated PC video cards, computer users will most probably make a choice between Nvidia and ATI.

By: Computer Knowledge For You

Article Directory:

Tag : computer,computer repair,computer hardware,laptop

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

How to fix a slow computer and speed up computer performance

Computer is among one of those technological breakthroughs of all the time which has redefined the world, the way they were seen earlier. The Computer has taken the front seat whether it is at home, at work and at school. Given the significance of computers in our lives it will be appropriate to give high priority to computer performance. Without proper maintenance your computer might run slow; who would want to use a sluggish computer, right?

Like any of the other devices a standard computer will experience wear and tear. The prolonged existence of a computer's life will always depend on how the possessor takes care of his or her computer system. Computer clean-up is the simplest way of taking concern of the computer system. It is predictable that dust and dirt will build up inside that CPU tower so customary cleaning should be obligatory.

In today's world, everyone wants to get things done in a quicker and more efficient manner than before. Time is always of the essence and unreasonable deadlines are common occurrence for a lot of people. With that, everyone would always want their tools and equipment to be reliable and work at the highest level possible, especially when it comes to computers. It can be said that these complicated machines are the most important and most powerful tool at your disposal. A computer can do thousands of calculations for you, you can create wonderful presentations as well as document anything with a computer. Today almost any profession relies on this machine. So when it comes to a slow pc, people often get frustrated right off the bat.

A computer can slow down for a variety of reasons. One is that your computer can be overheating which means you need to purchase better ventilation for your hard drive. It could also mean that there is something wrong with your hardware such as crossed wires which can produce extreme amounts of heat. It is better of avail a computer support services before facing any major problem.

Another common reason for a computer to become slower is due to lack or Random Access Memory or RAM. To fix this problem, you can simply upgrade your RAM to higher specifications. Other common computer problems that can slow down your computer involve automatically running programs and too much programs in your computer tray, which is the bar at the lower right hand corner of the screen. To remove some of these programs you can use windows customize or if you're using another operating system, try to check the settings and stop automatic running programs that your computer doesn't need.

Lastly, a very common occurrence of computers slowing down is because of the computer's registry being full or unorganized. A registry is where your operating system saves information about certain details of your computer, hardware settings and other important files that keep your machine running. Overtime this can become a complete mess. At the same time, contracting spywares and malicious programs can also mess up your registry. In order to Speed up your computer, you can use software programs known as registry cleaners. These things are programmed to clean up your registry and remove any and all malicious software that is in your database or registry.

These issues are but some of the most common ones to affect your computer's speed. There are also other events that can reduce its performance which is why you should always be ready and take care of your computer.

Tag : computer,computer performance,computer hardware

Article Source:

Monday, 13 July 2009

The Best Way to Shop For Your Computer

Well the Christmas season is upon us yet again. Wow! It seems like yesterday that we were taking the tree down from last year. Anyway, that means it is time to start shopping around for those gifts that make your loved ones smile brightly.

Surprisingly, computers have become a very popular gift for the holidays. At one time, it was quite cost inhibitive (unless you owned a money tree!), but now the costs have come down into the gift giving price range.

Now we can shop for computers in two ways: in store or online.

Here are the pros/cons of both:

Pros - in store shopping

By going into the store, you can get your hands on the merchandise and test it out for yourself. You can also get help from a fully trained advisor who is trained in the particulars of the section they are working in.

You may even find a closeout sale and get a really smashing deal on that computer you are looking for. Sometimes, there are in-store specials that may include printers, software or other goodies designed to entice you into spending your money in their store.

Cons - in store shopping

If you don't like being pressured while you shop, going into the store may not be the brightest idea. Sales assistants can be quite forceful at times, can't they? Hanging around bothering you and trying to get their bit of commission.

Then there are the crowds, nobody likes struggling through hundreds of people to get their shopping done. The Christmas season brings out the best in some folks, but it also brings out the worst in others. It's the latter that makes it a bit of a chore to tolerate.

Pros - Online shopping

Alright, now we get to the good stuff. You can look at whatever you want to look at without the sales personnel hanging over your shoulder. Compare different models of computers side by side and read reviews written by users that already have one. What better way to know if a product is good than to hear from someone who owns one?

Some online retailers run Internet only specials that you can only get online. This rivals the in store sales and really makes the shopping experience a pleasant one.

There aren't any crowds to deal with and, here's a really great benefit, you may be able to reserve that hot new item before it arrives in stores. You can get a jump on the rest of the shopping world!

The best thing about shopping online? You can do it in the comfort of your own home.

Cons - online shopping

What are the bad points about online shopping? Well, there's the fear of identity theft and security, but now a day's all the accredited shopping sites have secure transaction pages.

You may not be able to find the item you want online, so the store is necessary.

As you can see there are many positives and negatives for shopping in store and online, but the deciding factor definitely comes down to personal preference.

Tag : computer,computer repair,computer shop,computer games,computer virus,computer software

Friday, 10 July 2009

Windows XP Registry Tips & Tricks


Most settings can be done easily within Windows. However, for some setting you need to dive into the registry or use one of the many registry utilities and some interesting registry tweaks which you can do yourself, using the registry editor.

NOTE: We must be careful editing the registry because worst case scenario will happen such as Windows won't boot anymore. If you are not sure, leave things unchanged! My advise: create a system image before making major changes!

Windows XP Registry Hacks

Structure of Windows XP Registry:

When you will open the Windows XP Registry , you will see it's divided into two panes. On the left side there are Five main
Keys as shown below. These can be expanded to several Sub-Keys, which further have many Sub-Keys.
Before you try out the Tweaks, learn how to Backup and Restore Windows XP Registry.

Types of Registry Backups :
It is very important that before you do editing you make a backup of the current registry. If you ignore this warning, it might prove deadly for you.

Open your registry. Go to Start>Run , type regedit . When you invoke the Export function from File>Export, you are given a choice of different file types that can be saved :
Registration Files (*.reg)
Registry Hive Files (*.*)
Text Files (*.txt)
All Files

Each one of the different file types above plays an important role in how the data you export is saved. Choosing the wrong type can give you unexpected results. So let me explain you quickly these file types.

Registrations Files : The Registration Files option creates a .reg file. This is the most well known file format used for backing up the registry. The Registration File can be used in two ways. As a text file it can be read and edited using Notepad outside of Registry Editor. Once the changes have been made and saved, right clicking the file and using the [Merge] command adds the changed file back into the registry. If you make additions to the registry using regedit and then merge the previously saved Registration File, anything that you've added via regedit will not be removed, but changes you make to data using regedit that previously existed in the saved Registration File will be overwritten when it is merged

Registry Hive Files : Unlike the Registration Files option above, the Registry Hive Files option creates a binary image of the selected registry key. The image file is not editable via Notepad nor can you view its contents using a text editor. However, what the Registry Hive Files format does is create an image perfect view of the selected key and allow you to import it back into the registry to insure any problematic changes you made are eliminated.

Text Files : This option does just as the name suggests. It creates a text file containing the information in the selected key. It's most useful purpose is creating a record or snapshot of a key at a particular point in time that you can refer back to if necessary. It cannot be merged back into the registry like a Registration File.

Out of the give above choices , the safest method of backing up registry is to use Registry Hive Files option. No matter what ever you do or goes wrong in editing, importing the image of the key will eliminate all changes.

Windows XP Registry Tips & Tricks

1. Customize Windows Media Player Title Bar
Change the title bar to read Windows Media Player provided by , so if I had entered text ?Abhishek Bhuyan? , it would read: Windows Media Player provided by Abhishek Bhuyan
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft
Create the Key [WindowsMediaPlayer]
Create String value named [TitleBar]
Data Type: REG_SZ // Value Name: TitleBar
Double click TitleBar and Enter the text to be displayed in the title bar.
Exit Registry / Reboot

2. Minimize Outlook 2002 to the System Tray

If you frequently access Outlook during the day it?s more convenient to have it minimized to the system tray rather than invoking it each time you need to send/receive e-mail. This tweak minimizes Outlook 2002 to the system tray:
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\O utlook\Preferences
Modify/Create Data Type DWORD named [MinToTray]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

3. Specify Default IE Download Directory
This tweak changes the default directory where downloads initiated in Internet Explorer are stored on the system.

[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [Download Directory]
Value Data: [Enter Path to Directory to be Assigned as Defualt for Downloads]
Exit Registry / Reboot

4. Force Use of Classic Start Menu
This tweak loads the Classic Start Menu and makes it impossible to change back to the Windows XP version
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer
Modify/Create the DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [NoSimpleStartMenu]
Value Data: [0 = Default / 1 = Force Classic Start Menu]
Exit Registry / Reboot

5. Hide/Show Internet Explorer Desktop Icon
By default, Windows XP does not show the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows desktop. Using the registry tweak below allows you to control whether or not the Internet Explorer icon is displayed.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [NoInternetIcon]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

6. Increase Menu Display Speed
When you click on the Start Menu there is some delay to display the contents , just for no reason. Effects are pretty though. The default speed can be adjusted with a quick registry entry.
The default value is 400. Set it to 0 and the delay is gone. If you are not able to adjust pick a number that suits your style and make the change.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Modify/Create String value of Data type REG_SZ Named [MenuShowDelay]
Value Data: [Default = 400 / Adjust to Preference]
Exit Registry / Reboot

7. Change the Location of Special Folders
This tweak allows changing the location of special folders on the system. Any of the folders listed in the registry key may be moved.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\UserShell Folders
Modify/Create String value of Data type REG_SZ Named [Various Folder Names]
Data Type: REG_SZ [String Value] // Value Name: Consult RegEdit for Folder Names
Value Data: [Move the folder to the new desired location using explorer, and then edit the matching folder in RegEdit to reflect the new folder location]
Exit Registry and Reboot

8. Faster Browsing in Windows Explorer on Network Computers
By default, a Windows XP machine connecting to a Windows 95/98/Me computer will search for scheduled tasks or enabled printers on the remote computer. Two sub-keys control this behavior. Deleting them will speed up browsing on the remote computer.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace

To Disable Scheduled Task Checking
Value Name: {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}
Delete the sub-key in the left pane of Registry Editor

To Disable Printer Checking
Value Name: {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}
Delete the sub-key in the left pane of Registry Editor

Exit Registry / Reboot

9. Add Administrator Account to Log In Screen
When Windows XP is first installed it requires you to enter at least one name of a user who will access the computer. Once you create this name the default Administrator account vanishes. To access it, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete twice at the Welcome screen to retrieve the standard Windows 2000 logon dialog. Log on as Administrator from this point. To log the Administrator off, click [Start] [Log Off] and [Log Off] when the [Log Off Windows] selection box appears. The Log On screen with the available users will be displayed.

To Make the Administrator Account Always Visible on the Login Screen use this Registry Tweak.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserLis t
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [Administrator]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

10. Increase Internet Download Connections
Increase Simultaneous Internet Download Connections. Increases the number of allowed simultaneous connections to ten (10).
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Internet Settings
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server]
Setting for Value Data: [0000000a]
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [MaxConnectionsPerServer]
Setting for Value Data: [0000000a]
Exit Registry / Reboot

11. Connected Web Files and Folders
Connecting web files and folders allows a primary .htm or .html file to be moved in conjunction with files associated with the primary document. Once the primary document has been defined, create a sub-folder using the same name as the primary document but assign it a .files extension. Whenever the primary file is moved, the sub-folder will also move and remain as a sub-folder of the primary.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [NoFileFolderConnection]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Enabled (Default) / 1 = Disabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

12. Hide/Show My Documents Folder on Desktop
By default, Windows XP does not show the My Documents folder on the Windows desktop. Using the registry tweak below allows you to control whether or not My Documents is displayed.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\CLSID\{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}\ShellFolder
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [Attributes]
Setting for Value Data: [Default = 0xf0400174 / Hidden = 0xf0500174]
Exit Registry / Reboot

13. Create a Hidden User Account
This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000 i.e. press CTRL+ALT+DEL twice.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Cu rrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [Type Name of Account to be Hidden]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot
While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups.

14. Create Legal Notice Logon Dialog Box
In situations where you need users to read a legal notice before logging on, this tweak will create the caption for the notice.
Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [LegalNoticeCaption]
Value Data for LegalNoticeCaption: [Type the Caption for the Dialog Box]
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [LegalNoticeText]
Value Data for LegalNoticeText: [Type the Data for the Legal Notice]
Exit Registry / Reboot
15. Manage Internet Explorer Error Reporting
This tweak removes the IE Error Reporting tool from appearing with the option to send browser debugging reports to Microsoft.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Note:- Create both values listed below and set according to the bold type for the tweak to function properly.
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [IEWatsonEnabled]
Value Data: [0 - Disabled / 1 - Enabled]
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [IEWatsonDisabled]
Value Data: [0 - Disabled / 1 - Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

16. Customize Logon and Security Dialog Title
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [Welcome]
Value Data: [0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

17. Customize Logon Box Message
This is the message displayed on the Classic Logon box, not the XP ?Welcome? logon screen
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [LogonPrompt]
Value Data: [Enter the text of the message]
Exit Registry / Reboot

18. Welcome Screen Logon Vs Classic Logon
This tweak specifies whether the Welcome screen or the Classic logon will be used to access Windows XP.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [LogonType]
Value Data: [0 - Classic Mode / 1 - Welcome Screen]
Exit Registry / Reboot

19. QoS (Quality Of Service) Bandwidth Reserve Setting
By default, Windows XP reserves 20% of the connection bandwidth for QoS traffic. This tweak allows the setting to be altered to a different percentage of connection bandwidth. If the system uses more than a single adapter for network connections, each adapter may be set individually by navigating to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Psched\Parameters\Adapters\{Adpater-ID} rather than HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Win dows\Psched
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Win dows\Psched
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [NonBestEffortLimit]
Setting for Value Data: [Enter as a Percentage / Default Value = 20]
Exit Registry / Reboot

20. Enable/Disable Save Password in DUN
This tweak saves user passwords for Dial Up Networking so they do not have to be re-entered each session.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\Parameters
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [DisableSavePassword]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Disabled (Passwords Saved) / 1 = Enabled (Passwords Not Saved)]
Exit Registry / Reboot

21. Change the Registered Organization/Owner of Windows XP
This tweak allows modification of the registered owner and organization of the Windows XP software.
Note:- This tweak has nothing to do with Windows Product Activation (WPA) and will not allow you to register illegal XP software.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [RegisteredOrganization] or [RegisteredOwner]
Setting for Value Data: [Modify the Values to Reflect Current Information]
Exit Registry / Reboot

22. Remove Links Folder in Favorites
The Links folder is part of Favorites whether it's being accessed through Internet Explorer or the Favorites menu in the Start Menu. This tweak will remove it from those locations.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
Modify/Create String Value of Data type REG_SZ Named [LinksFolderName]
Value Data: [Set the String Value to a blank string]
Open Internet Explorer and manually delete the Links folder from Favorites Menu.
The Links folder will not be recreated.
Exit Registry / Reboot

23. Enable/Disable Active Window Tracking to Mouse Movements
When the mouse is moved over an open window it automatically sets the focus to that particular window. It does not bring the window to the foreground of the open windows.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [ActiveWindowTracking]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = ActiveWindowTracking Disabled / 1 = ActiveWindowTracking Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

24. Auto Disconnect for Internet Explorer
Use this edit to automatically disconnect from Internet Explorer after a specified length of time has elapsed. Use this trick on anyone whom you don’t like using your computer with net J
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\LanmanServer\Parameters
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [Autodisconnect]
Value Data: [Enter a new disconnect time. Use Hexadecimal if you are unfamiliar with Binary]
Exit Registry / Reboot

25. Auto Reboot on System Crash
By default, when the Windows XP operating system crashes an automatic reboot of the system occurs. While this behavior can be convenient, the downside is the error message accompanying the crash is not visible. Often times this information can be a great help in troubleshooting the source of the crash. This behavior can be modified in two ways; via the registry or using the System Properties property sheet.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\CrashControl
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [AutoReboot]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = AutoReboot Disabled / 1 = AutoReboot Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot
Open System Properties via Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System
[System Properties may also be opened using the WinKey+Pause key combination]
Select the Advanced tab and then click Settings in the Startup and Recovery section
In System Failure section, clear the checkbox next to Automatically Restart
Click OK and OK to exit

26. Modify Control Panel Categories
Even if you like the new style for Control Panel, you might at times wish you could shift some items around into a different category. It's possible.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Control Panel\Extended Properties\{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [Choose one of the applets with .cpl extension]
Setting for Value Data: [Select the value from table below]
Other Control Panel Options 0
Appearance and Themes 1
Printers and Other Hardware 2
Network and Internet Connections 3
Sounds, Speed, and Audio Devices 4
Performance and Maintenance 5
Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options 6
Accessibility Options 7
Add or Remove Programs 8
User Accounts 9
Exit Registry / Reboot

To further customize the items that appear in the new Control Panel, do a search of your system for all files that end in .cpl extension. If they aren't already listed, you can add them with a new DWORD value and then assign them to a category of your choosing.

27. Enable/Disable Run Commands Specific to the Registry
This tweak controls the use of the Run command on the local machine
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer
Create a DWORD value of Data Type REG_DWORD for each Run function that will be disabled.
Modify/Create the Value Name [DisableLocalMachineRun]
Modify/Create the Value Name [DisableLocalMachineRunOnce]
Modify/Create the Value Name [DisableCurrentUserRun]
Modify/Create the Value Name [DisableCurrentUserRunOnce]
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled]
Exit Registry / Reboot

28. Enable/Disable System Properties Access from My Computer
This tweak removes access to System Properties via My Computer as well as via Control Panel.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Modify/Create DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named [NoPropertiesMyComputer]
Value Data: [0 - Display Properties / 1 - Hide Properties]
Exit Registry / Reboot

29. Uninstall Programs Manually
Just because Windows XP has the Add/Remove Programs feature it doesn't mean your application will appear in the list. Furthermore, even if it does appear, it's no guarantee that the uninstall feature will work. When you run across one of these situations the items listed below will help in getting rid of the application. Be aware that these steps may not remove everything associated with the application and can impact other applications on the computer. Have a backup or restore point and use caution.
Find the directory for the application and delete all the files in the directory. Delete the directory.
Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and find the folder for the application. Delete the folder.
Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE and find the folder for the application. Delete the folder.
To remove the application entry from Add/Remove Programs (if present) open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and find the folder for the application. Delete the folder.
Some applications have Services attached to them. If this is the case, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services, locate and delete the service.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the individual user settings and delete program references. Common places to check would be:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs and delete relevant entries.
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and delete relevant entries.
C:\Documents and Settings\%YourUserID%\Start Menu\Programs and delete relevant entries.
[Do this for each User ID listed]

C:\Documents and Settings\%YourUserID%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and delete relevant entries.
[Do this for each User ID listed]
If no entries were found in the previous step and the application launches automatically, navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
and delete the entry.

30. Create a right-click command prompt option
You can right-click a folder to get a list of actions you can apply to it. Hare’s a way to create an action on that right-click menu that opens a command prompt window with that folder as the current directory. In a text editor such as Notepad, type the following exactly:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Cmd Here]
@=?Command &Prompt Here?
[HKEY_CLASSES-ROOT\Folder\shell\Cmd Here\command]
@=?cmd.exe /k pushd %L?
Save the file with any name you want, with a .reg extension. Then double-click the saved file and choose Yes to merge the file’s information into the Registry. You can delete the file. Right-click any folder and you’ll see the Command Prompt Here option.

31. Adjusting System Restore values
The new System Restore feature in Windows XP automatically backs up a snapshot of your system, including your Registry, every 24 hours. It also saves restore points for 90 days. Neither of these values is directly editable in the System Restore program, but you can change them in the Registry. Go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Cu rrentVersion\SystemRestore
You’ll find an assortment of settings here. To change the interval between automatically created restore points, change the RPGlobalInterval setting. To change the number of days that a restore point is retained, change the RPLifeInterval setting.
System Restore time intervals are measured in seconds, not days, so you must convert the number of days you want into seconds. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, so multiply 86,400 by the number of days you want to determine the value. (There are 3,600 seconds in an hour, I hope you know)

32. Erase the swap file at shutdown
You might be concerned about someone browsing your users? swap files and gathering up little bits of their sensitive data. A remote possibility, to be sure, but it could happen. For that extra measure of security, go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management
Set the ClearPageFileAtShutdown DWORD to 1. This will make shutdowns take longer, because it overwrites everything in the swap file with zeroes. Don’t turn this feature on unless you have a serious security threat.

33. Delete the Files Stored on This Computer category in the My Computer window
In Windows XP, the My Computer window’s listing is broken down by categories: Hard Disk Drives, Devices with Removable Storage, and so on. One of these categories is Files Stored on This Computer, which appears at the top of the My Computer window. If a user doesn’t need it, you can get rid of it. To do so, go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\Delegate Folders
Delete the {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c55595fe6b30ee} sub key to remove the category.

34. Change the desktop cleanup frequency
Through Display Properties (Desktop tab, Customize Desktop button, General tab), you can turn on and off a feature that runs the Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days. You don?t have an option to set a different interval there, but you can change the interval in the Registry. To do so, go to:
Change the Days Between Clean Up Value to some other number of days (in decimal format).

35. Sort menus alphabetically
When you install a new program for a user, it doesn?t find its place in the alphabetical Start menu hierarchy right away; it hangs out at the bottom for a little while. If your users employ the Classic Start menu, they can re-alphabetize it manually by right-clicking the taskbar and choosing Properties, clicking the Customize button next to the Classic Start Menu, and clicking the Sort button. With the Windows XP style of Start menu, however, you don?t have an equivalent button. To make Windows always alphabetize the list, remove the permissions from the Registry key that controls the sort order for the Start menu. To do so, go to:
Choose Edit | Permissions and click the Advanced button. Deselect the Inherit From Parent The Permission Entries That Apply To Child Objects check box and then click Copy when the Security dialog box pops up. Click OK and clear the Full Control entry for your account and all security groups you are a member of. Leave only Read permission.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Windows Vista Support and Help Services

Windows vista is an Operating system which was developed by Microsoft in year of 2006. The previous name of Windows vista was "longhorn". Windows vista has lots of inbuilt feature, it is more secure, more usable, more user friendly and more attractive for user point of view. These above feature was not present in windows earlier version in windows XP. If you want to get windows vista support, then you should remember some basis things about the Windows Vista like it's hardware requirement as:

  • Vista support CPU P VI and higher
  • Memory minimum 512 Mega Byte recommended 1 Giga Byte.

Some times people said that their Windows Vista run very slow, however they have minimum hardware requirement like 512 Mega Byte RAM. And they do not look after about recommended memory feature. Technically you should have 1 Giga Byte of RAM in your computer for smooth running Windows Vista. Because the graphics of Windows Vista is very high, which is consume more memory. It is good enough if you have an external graphics card.

Is normal user can troubleshoot and repair to Windows vista? Although generally normal user specially home users do not too enough technically sound, however they can troubleshoot Windows vista. Windows vista gives easy troubleshooting platform to user. It can diagnostics automatically and detect errors like hard disks error, faulty memory, any performance issue, loos network connection and shutting down problems. For more entertainment in Windows Vista there is inbuilt Windows Media Center, which is available in Vista Home Premium and Ultimate editions, earlier it had to purchased separately.

Some important feature of Windows Vista are:

New User Experience, including Windows Aero: It makes Windows vista similar to like Mac OSX. The appearance of windows, its desktop, start button, menus, taskbar everything got a new look. You can applied here Aero themes, which support 3D modes.

Windows Sidebar: It is a long, vertical bar that is displayed on the side of desktop. It can contain mini programs, which is easy access just one click when you want to open.

Windows Defender: It is the inbuilt spyware protection . For security reason it is very important.

User Account Control: If you want to that no one user can access some particulate application or program which is important to you, then with the help of it you can set security policy.

There are lots of more feature like:

  • Performance Center.
  • The Instant Desktop Search
  • Network Map
  • Windows ReadyBoost
  • Windows ReadyDrive
  • Windows Media Center
  • Wireless Networking
Article Source:

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Stop Internet Connection Problems With Updated Cable Modem Drivers

The way people connect to the Internet has changed dramatically over the last few years. From dial-up connection to broadband Internet, the technology used to receive and transmit data from other computers has significantly improved. Nowadays, one of the best and fastest ways to upload and download data to and from the Internet is by using a cable modem.

As the name implies, such a hardware device is a type of modem that make use of radio frequency channels on a cable television to send and receive data. Using a cable modem is much better than a dial-up connection, which uses telephone lines, because you can download large files from the web in a short time. And like any other modem and computer hardware devices, this needs a program, called driver, to interact with the PC's operating system.

If you are one of those people who cannot survive a day without checking your e-mail or visiting your favorite web site, then you have to take good care of your cable modem. Aside from ensuring that your hardware device is free from physical damage, you have to make sure that your cable modem driver is always up to date to avoid Internet connection problems. It would be best take precautionary measures because it would be difficult for you to get an updated driver from the Internet if you are having problems with your modem.

Updating these device drivers can also speed up your connection, as well as help ensure that your hardware device would continue to function once you change or upgrade your computer's operating system. To get an updated driver for your cable modem, you can go directly to its manufacturer's web site and download the latest software in its technical support page. You can also surf the Internet and get one from third party sources.

However, downloading updated drivers from the Internet is not as easy as it seems, especially to those who are not yet accustomed to various computer and technical jargons. You have to sit in front of you computer for a long period of time and visit a number of web sites. You also have to be careful when clicking web links because for all you know, it might bring you to a site that was infected with a virus. Fortunately, there is a program that can help you download and install the latest cable modem drivers to your computer without having to worry about viruses and surfing the Internet for hours.

At some reliable sites, you can download such software, which allows you to replace old cable modem drivers with ease, for free. Once you launch this useful software, it would immediately scan your computer to find hardware devices that are in need of updated drivers. After the system scan, this technology would give you a list of new software that you can download and install to your computer.

Boasting of a growing database of more than five million drivers, this can truly provide you all the latest software that you need and help you improve the performance of your cable modem. So, say goodbye to Internet connection issues and driver-related problems by checking this out now.