Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Need to Speed Up a Laptop?

Are you looking to speed up a laptop computer? Look no further, because I'm going to give you everything you need to get your computer running a marathon in seconds flat! Okay, maybe not running a marathon because that would be turning your computer into a robot or performing some sort of weird voodoo to give your laptop computer legs.

The most important thing you can do to speed up a laptop is remove programs you're no longer using, especially instant messengers or toolbars -both of these will cause computer lag like nothing else and are often lurking on many computers used by teenagers. Yes, that's right, I'm blaming teenagers for the majority of computer lag. Call me sexist, but I'm even going to say that it's the young female teenagers which are the worst!

Actually, I'm neither sexist or picking on young teenage girls, the internet forms of communication have basically replaced the telephone as the numero uno form of communication for young teenage girls. Sure, they still run the phone bill up like nobody's business, but they're also click, click, clicking away online and chatting to four-hundred different people online too.

And, guess what? Many of those chat programs they install, also install toolbars and secondary programs which you can opt-out of during the installation process. How many teenagers actually take the time to un-check these boxes? In my experience, none. I've got several younger female relatives and as soon as they ask can they install something on my computer I start having nightmares about the invasion of adware, spyware, and those annoying toolbars and weather programs.

If this doesn't solve your problem and speed up a laptop for you, then head over to this website herespeed up a laptop computer, there's a few more tips and even a few programs that you may have to result to if removing the toolbars doesn't help to speed up a laptop. and read up on how to

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