If your family has more than one computer, you should consider setting up a home networking system. Home networking is especially desirable if you have two or more family members who frequently use computers. Home networking allows you to connect all your computers to each other. You can share files, software, or hardware, through home networking.
On a home network, every computer is networked to a main computer. Usually a desktop computer performs the task of being the main unit for a home network. Then, each computer within the network can access files, software, and hardware of the main unit.
A home network system can be created by using ethernet cables. However, a wireless connection is more desirable and much more user-friendly. Generally how this works is the main computer houses a modem router. Each additional computer then, requires a network card, which is used to communicate with the main computer.
If you are using a PC with a Windows operating system, you can easily set up your home networking by using the networking wizard option on your computer. Windows provides a simple step-by-step setup system that will help you connect your computers in very little time.
Once your computers are all connected to your home network, you will be able to open and share files, play games, and use programs from any computer. The wonderful thing about home networking is that every computer will be able to access certain peripherals, like the printer, from any location. This is a great thing if you need to print from more than one computer.
If you use home networking to connect to the Internet, too, don't forget to install a firewall to protect your computer systems. Make sure that all your important files like credit card information and bank accounts are protected from prying eyes online.
To learn how dust kills your computer or where to get computer help, visit http://www.NeedHelpWithMyComputer.com, a popular computer help website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=H_Wilbanks