If you have considered purchasing a used laptop computer you might first want to review the following step by step evaluation process to ensure that you get a good quality used laptop computer.
Step 1-Find out what external hardware is included with the computer. At a bare minimum, the laptop computer will need a power cord. Other options that might be included are an external mouse, keyboard and floppy disk drive. Additional hardware offerings could include a microphone, speakers, printer, scanner, external wireless card and battery.
Step 2-Find out what internal hardware is included with the computer. The most popular internal hardware component is the internal wireless network card. Other internal hardware components include things such as a video card, DVD drive, CD Rom drive, and a sound card.
Step 3-Before you even consider purchasing a used laptop computer, ask if the computer components are original, repaired or replaced.
Step 4-Ask the seller if the machine is in full working condition. Some questions you might ask include a. does the machine power on and off properly; b. is the monitor clear without scratches or flaws; c. does the battery work properly; d. does the computer work properly without the battery installed and, if so, how long does the battery stay charged.
Step 5-Determine what operating system is installed in the used laptop computer. The newest version of Windows, called Windows Vista, is not always compatible with all softwares. You will need to find out what operating system is running the computer and research if that operating system will run the software that you intend to install.
Step 6-Find out what software is being included with the computer.
Step 7-Thoroughly research competitive prices for the make, model and year of the used laptop computer that you are considering buying. This is easy to determine by reviewing the bids on similar products on Ebay.
Step 8-If the machine is a fairly new machine, it might still be covered under warranty. If so, ask the seller if the warranty is transferrable to you upon purchase.
The review the current market prices of used laptop computers, visit my store, The Cheap Laptop Store
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roberta_Sullivan