Many computer threats specialize in performing one task-displaying pop-up ads, collecting user data, changing browser settings and can be easily categorized - they are spyware. However there are still a large number of other common threats that cripple your PC differently and perform a variety of different actions and are therefore harder to label.
Runtime errors are one of them. They are the most common Windows error message and infect the majority of computer users.
Their purpose is to serve as a reminder that there are serious problems occurring in your system while a particular program is being "run". This is most often due to the fact that there is a lot of software present on your computer registry the computer cannot work at optimum levels because these programs are conflicting with each other resulting in runtime errors.
A few very common signs that runtime errors are infecting your computer are:
1. Constant error messages
2. A lack of memory
3. Extremely slow startup and
4. Sluggish PC performance
Another serious computer threat is the Trojan virus. These "Trojan horse" programs take their name from the mythical wooden horse that hauled hidden Greek soldiers into the city of Troy. These nasty computer programs carry hidden functionality, often posing as useful applications yet in actual fact, perform Spyware or Adware functions, and/or allow remote access to your PC.
The Trojan Problem Explained
If you are reading this then there is a really good chance that your PC is already infected with a Trojan virus. Trojan viruses can be installed on your machine simply by visiting a website that is carefully crafted by an attacker. When you visit the website, the attacker will send to your PC, code that is designed to be executed by your machine using existing vulnerabilities in software installed on your machine or by vulnerabilities in the operating system itself.
If your PC becomes infected, it can be used by the attacker to send out unsolicited emails to email lists the hacker has targeted. These spam emails can't be traced back to the attacker because they originate on your machine. This is making your PC slow, and the attacker is using your internet bandwidth for free. If you think your internet usage is excessive then this may a contributing factor.
How Did I Get It?
Trojan viruses can be installed on your machine simply by visiting a website that is carefully crafted by an attacker. When you visit the website, the attacker will send to your PC, code that is designed to be executed by your machine using existing vulnerabilities in software installed on your machine or by vulnerabilities in the operating system itself. Many pirate/torrent sites and pornographic sites often infect your PC with viruses, registry errors and malware. DON'T VISIT THEM or they'll keep visiting you.
How Do I Remove It From My Computer
Many of these types of Trojan viruses once installed on your system will keep reinstalling themselves on startup unless you have completely removed the virus from your system including the system registry. Often these viruses will connect to the a server on the internet without your knowledge, notify the attacker and reinstall on the system.
You need to remove all parts of the Trojan virus for a complete virus removal. A good anti-virus program will do the trick.
For Runtime errors, a good registry cleaner will fix your problem and simultaneously increase the speed of your PC and return it to its original performance.
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